XXIV International Conference of the Society for Human Ecology

Keynote Speakers



Emilio Moran

Contemporary society problems cannot be understood with methods designed for studying largely sedentary populations. Populations across the world today are on the move physically, as a result of loss of control over local resources over which they had no legal documents, as a result of war and famine, as a result of the shifting international demand for labor, and as a result of environmental degradation. How to study these populations' role in environmental change is a major challenge. My research has focused on the study of populations in the Amazon Basin experiencing dislocation through resettlement. Traditional methods do not apply because of the transitoriness of settlement in forested frontiers with up to 85% of the population moving within the first decade of settlement but replaced with others immediately. These populations experience rapid shifts: from shifting cultivators to extensive annual cropping to intensive cultivators of grains to intensive managers of permanent crops or irrigated areas - - all this while dividing their household labor between the farm and the non-farm sector, between mining and farming, and other options available in local ecosystems. My current research combines remote sensing methods and ground-level methods of data gathering and analysis that permit a continual checking of macro and micro levels of analysis. They aim to permit inferences from one level to be tested with data at another; and to discover the indices that may best serve to understand the linkages between global, regional and local-level processes. Students working with me would have the opportunity to become familiar with remote sensing methods and to relate satellite images at a number of sites to social processes at a micro-level. The goals of the current research are to develop a multi-level, multi-site, longitudinal, and comparative approach to the study of how people impact forests, how they organize to manage their resources, and what role population plays in their shifting actions. Currently this research is supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Institutes of Health (NICHD) and the National Oceanic and Atomospheric Administration (NOAA). Students are routinely incorporated into these large-scale projects where they learn how to collaborate across disciplines.



PhD in Human Geography, from the University of Lisbon, she is a professor at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), integrating the sociology department where she teaches undergraduate and master's degrees in Sociology and the Master's in Human Ecology and Problems Contemporary Social Networks, of which she is the coordinator. He supervises several master's and doctoral theses either at FCSH-UNL or at other Universities. She is also Deputy Deputy Director for Teaching Quality at FCSH. She has been a researcher at the Center for Geographical Studies since 1985, where has participated in several national and international research projects. He has been a member of CesNova, Center for Sociology Studies at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, since 2008. The research areas in which he works are Human Ecology, Environment and Sustainable Development, Economic and Social Geography and Frontier Studies, and he has several publications on these thematic. She is part of the coordination team of the PERDA project, Study and Reflection Project on Food Waste, 2011 Green Ideas Award. She is the current president of Societry for Human Ecology (SHE)


Alfredo Wagner Berno de Almeida

He holds a Master's Degree in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1978) and a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He is currently a CNPQ 1A productivity fellow, senior researcher at the State University of Maranhão - UEMA, professor in the following Postgraduate Programs - Postgraduate Studies in Social and Political Cartography of the Amazon at the State University of Maranhão - UEMA, Post - Graduation, Citizenship and Human Rights in Public Safety and Post-Graduate Interdisciplinary Master's Degree in Human Sciences at the State University of Am azonas - UEA, Post-Graduate in Society and Culture in the Amazon and Post-Graduate in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM and coordinates the Projects ?Cartography of Social Cartography: a synthesis of experiences? (UFAM / Ford Foundation); the project "Centre for Science of Knowledge: experiences of creating living Museums in the affirmation of knowledge and actions that are representative of traditional peoples and communities" - MCTI/CNPQ/SECIS, carried out by UEA in partnership with the Museum of Astronomy/MCTI; project ?Social Cartography as a Strategy to Strengthen Teaching and Academic Research: Postgraduate Program in Social Cartography and Politics of the Amazon and Project Mapping of the Babaçu Ecological Region? (Ford Foundation) and the ?New Social Cartography Project: Quilombolas do Brasil (SEPPIR/UNDP). ? It works mainly with the following themes: traditional peoples, ethnicity, conflicts, social movements, territorialization processes and social cartography, Amazon


Alpina Begossi

Alpina Begossi completed her doctorate in Ecology - UNIV CALIFORNIA DAVIS in 1989. She carried out Post-Doctoral research [FAPESP] in Ethnobotanica, in July 1995 with RE Schultes (Harvard, Ethnobotany/Herbaria) [see 1996, Economic Botany) and the Pos -Doctorate in Ecological Economics [CNPq] with P. May (CPDA, UFRRJ) [see 2011, Ecological Economics] , having been Executive Director of Fisheries and Food Institute (www.fisheriesandfood.org) from 2006 to 2014 and President of SOCIETY FOR HUMAN ECOLOGY, USA, in 2006-2007. Co-founder of FIFO in 2006 (Fisheries and Food Institute) and CAPESCA (2006, PREAC/UNI CAMP). Published 112 articles in specialized periodicals, 22 works in event proceedings, 30 book chapters and 9 books. He participated in 80 events, mostly abroad, having been "Keynote Speaker" in an event in 2009, at MARE-Univ Amsterdam, in 2009 and at the University of Greenwich, London, in 2011. He supervised 50 students (masters, doctorate, initiation and others). Coordinated 25 research projects. He works in the field of Ecology, with an emphasis on Human Ecology, Fisheries and Fishermen Ecology. In his Lattes curriculum, the most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: Human Ecology, Fishing, Ecology, Diet, Ethnobotany, Diet, Ethnoichthyology, Food Taboos, Foraging and Folk Medicine. Participates in the Editorial Committee of: Ambio, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicime. The book Current Trends in Human Ecology (Lopes and Begossi, Eds, Cambridge Scholars Publishing) was awarded the 2011 Book Award "Gerald Young", SHE. In your google scholar profile there are 4897 citations, index h=41, index i10=89; in Scopus, 1337 citations in 72 docs (12 nov15) [SEE PERIODS REFEREE IN TECHNICAL WORKS]. Currently, Researcher at CAPESCA/NEPA/UNICAMP, Professor accredited in the permanent staff of ECOMAR/UNISANTA; Fisheries and Food Institute (FIFO) Research Directorate. Collaborates in research with the Belarus Academy of Sciences, ANU (Australia, Canberra), University of York, UK [Newton Mobility Grant], as well as with CPDA, UFFRJ & IE, UFRJ, as well as being on the Steering Scientific Committee of Future Earth/ EcoServices. The book Current Trends in Human Ecology (Lopes and Begossi, Eds, Cambridge Scholars Publishing) was awarded the 2011 Book Award "Gerald Young", SHE. In your google scholar profile there are 4897 citations, index h=41, index i10=89; in Scopus, 1337 citations in 72 docs (12 nov15) [SEE PERIODS REFEREE IN TECHNICAL WORKS]. Currently, Researcher at CAPESCA/NEPA/UNICAMP, Professor accredited in the permanent staff of ECOMAR/UNISANTA; Fisheries and Food Institute (FIFO) Research Directorate. Collaborates in research with the Belarus Academy of Sciences, ANU (Australia, Canberra), University of York, UK [Newton Mobility Grant], as well as with CPDA, UFFRJ & IE, UFRJ, as well as being on the Steering Scientific Committee of Future Earth/ EcoServices. The book Current Trends in Human Ecology (Lopes and Begossi, Eds, Cambridge Scholars Publishing) was awarded the 2011 Book Award "Gerald Young", SHE). In your google scholar profile there are 4897 citations, index h=41, index i10=89; in Scopus, 1337 citations in 72 docs (12 nov15) [SEE PERIODS REFEREE IN TECHNICAL WORKS]. Currently, Researcher at CAPESCA/NEPA/UNICAMP, Professor accredited in the permanent staff of ECOMAR/UNISANTA; Fisheries and Food Institute (FIFO) Research Directorate. Collaborates in research with the Belarus Academy of Sciences, ANU (Australia, Canberra), University of York, UK [Newton Mobility Grant], as well as with CPDA, UFFRJ & IE, UFRJ, as well as being on the Steering Scientific Committee of Future Earth/ EcoServices. Cambridge Scholars Publishing) was awarded the 2011 Book Award "Gerald Young", SHE). In your google scholar profile there are 4897 citations, index h=41, index i10=89; in Scopus, 1337 citations in 72 docs (12 nov15) [SEE PERIODS REFEREE IN TECHNICAL WORKS]. Currently, Researcher at CAPESCA/NEPA/UNICAMP, Professor accredited in the permanent staff of ECOMAR/UNISANTA; Fisheries and Food Institute (FIFO) Research Directorate. Collaborates in research with the Belarus Academy of Sciences, ANU (Australia, Canberra), University of York, UK [Newton Mobility Grant], as well as with CPDA, UFFRJ & IE, UFRJ, as well as being on the Steering Scientific Committee of Future Earth/ EcoServices. Cambridge Scholars Publishing) was awarded the 2011 Book Award "Gerald Young", SHE). In your google scholar profile there are 4897 citations, index h=41, index i10=89; in Scopus, 1337 citations in 72 docs (12 nov15) [SEE PERIODS REFEREE IN TECHNICAL WORKS]. Currently, Researcher at CAPESCA/NEPA/UNICAMP, Professor accredited in the permanent staff of ECOMAR/UNISANTA; Fisheries and Food Institute (FIFO) Research Directorate. Collaborates in research with the Belarus Academy of Sciences, ANU (Australia, Canberra), University of York, UK [Newton Mobility Grant], as well as with CPDA, UFFRJ & IE, UFRJ, as well as being on the Steering Scientific Committee of Future Earth/ EcoServices. 1337 citations in 72 docs (12Nov15) [SEE PERIODS REFEREE IN TECHNICAL WORKS]. Currently, Researcher at CAPESCA/NEPA/UNICAMP, Professor accredited in the permanent staff of ECOMAR/UNISANTA; Fisheries and Food Institute (FIFO) Research Directorate. Collaborates in research with the Belarus Academy of Sciences, ANU (Australia, Canberra), University of York, UK [Newton Mobility Grant], as well as with CPDA, UFFRJ & IE, UFRJ, as well as being on the Steering Scientific Committee of Future Earth/ EcoServices. 1337 citations in 72 docs (12Nov15) [SEE PERIODS REFEREE IN TECHNICAL WORKS]. Currently, Researcher at CAPESCA/NEPA/UNICAMP, Professor accredited in the permanent staff of ECOMAR/UNISANTA; Fisheries and Food Institute (FIFO) Research Directorate. Collaborates in research with the Belarus Academy of Sciences, ANU (Australia, Canberra), University of York, UK [Newton Mobility Grant], as well as with CPDA, UFFRJ & IE, UFRJ, as well as being on the Steering Scientific Committee of Future Earth/ EcoServices

Jose Geraldo.png

José Geraldo Marques

José Geraldo Marques is a veterinary graduated by the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (1968), graduated also in Natural History at the Catholic University of Pernambuco (1968), with master's degree in Zoology from the University of São Paulo (1979), doctorate in Ecology from the State University from Campinas (1991) with post-doctorate work in Human Ecology from the State University of Campinas (2005). He is currently a full professor at the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS). He has extensive experience in the area of Ecology, with an emphasis on Ethnoecology, acting mainly on the following themes: etnoecology, ecology, ethnobiology, biodiversity and estuaries. Member of the Brazilian Society of Ethnobiology and Ethnoecology; the Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science and the International University Association


Fernando Avila Pires

Fernando Dias de Ávila Pires holds a bachelor's degree and a degree in Natural History from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1957 and 1958) and a doctorate in Biological Sciences (Zoology) from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (1971). He is currently a retired researcher at FIOCRUZ, retired Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (National Museum), volunteer professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina and professor at the International Masters Program of Human Ecology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. Has experience in the area of zoology, with an emphasis on taxonomy of recent groups, acting mainly on the following themes: neotropical mammals, ecology, taxonomy, zoonoses, collective health and human ecology

José Zaglul

Ph.D - 1981 - University of Florida - USA (Major: Meat And Muscle Biology, Animal Science) M.S. - 1980 -University of Florida - USA (Major: Food Science and Human Nutrition) M.S. - 1973 - American University of Beirut - Lebanon (Major: Animal Science) B.S. - 1971 - American University of Beirut - Lebanon (Major: Ag. Economics - Minor: Animal Science) MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONs: • Global Consortium of Higher Education and Research for Agriculture (GCHERA) • American Meat Science Association • Latin American Association of Annual Production bad • College of Agricultural Engineers of Costa Rica • Central American and Caribbean Association of Meat Processors • Institute of Food Technologists

NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: • Member of the ALU Global Advisory Council, 2015-present. • Member of the Board of Trustees of the American University of Beirut, 2007-present. • Member of the Ad Astra Rocket Company Board of Directors, 2013-present. • Member of the foundation board of CRUSA (Costa Rica USA) 2016-present • Member of the board of the Miguel Yamuni Foundation 2017-present • Member of the Board of the United World College Costa Rica Foundation, 2008-present. • Member of the Executive Committee of Global Consortium of Higher Education and Research for Agriculture, (GCHERA) 2001-presen • Member of the Executive Committee of the Pan-Pacific Basin Workshop on Microgravity Sciences, 2000. • Co-chair of the SEMCIT international seminar series (Sustainability, Education and the Management of Change in the Tropics), 1999-present. • President (1988) Association of Meat Processors of Central America and the Caribbean. • Organizer "I Agrobusiness Workshop in Costa Rica and Guatemala" (with the collaboration of the German Government), 1988. • President of the first meeting of Meat Scientists of Latin America (San José, Costa Rica, 1987). • Founder and former President (elected for 2-year terms, 1983-present) of the Organizing Committee of the Central American and Caribbean Meat Processing Simposia. (Average participation of 175 scientists and industry professionals per seminar, from USA, Europe and Latin America.) • Member of the "Beef Livestock Reactivation Commission" in Costa Rica. • Member of the advisory group for the PROGASA project (Costa Rica). SPECIAL HONORS: Honorary Doctor, California Polytechnic State University (2016). Honorary Doctor, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (2011). Honorary Doctor of Public Service degree, Chatham University (2010). Honorary Doctor, Tropical Agricultural Research and Teaching Center (CATIE) 2016 Distinguished Alumnus, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Florida (2010). Recognition for outstanding achievements on the occasion of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences 50th Anniversary, American University of Beirut (2002). Full Scholarship for undergraduate, Master and Doctoral studies.


Amado Insfrán Ortiz

Engineer in Human Ecology (National University of Asunción-UNA). Ongoing PhD in Ecology and Ecosystem Restoration at the University of Alcalá (Spain), MSc. in Ecosystem Restoration at the University of Alcalá (Spain), MSc. in Environmental Engineering at the Regional University of Blumenau (Brazil) Specialist in Environmental Assessment for human settlements in the rural sector of Paraguay from the National University of Asunción. Specialist in Food Sovereignty and Emerging Agroecology from the International University of Andalusia (Spain) Teacher in d e Undergraduate and Postgraduate from the Faculty of Agrarian Sciences-National University of Asunción since 1999 and Postgraduate from the National University of Itapúa. Researcher categorized in Level I (2019) of the PRONII CONACYT of Paraguay (https://cv.conacyt.gov.py/publicar/cv?id=63465ae311d54fdafb42c0002ca2a3e9). The lines of research are: a) Restoration of biodiversity and ecosystem services; b) Agroecology and restoration of agrobiodiversity on a farm scale. Current President of FIRE Paraguay (www.fireparaguay.org.py), Headquarters of the International Foundation for the Restoration of Ecosystems (www.fundacionfire.org). Member of the Latin American Scientific Society of Agroecology - SOCLA. Member of the Latin American Network of Human Ecology - RELAEH.