News — Society for Human Ecology

SHE 2024 Membership Renewal

Dear Members and Friends:


This is the notice for 2024 membership renewal with the Society for Human Ecology (SHE). Member dues are just US $70 regular and $35 for students and individuals from developing nations, as we have maintained it for the last six years. Renewal may be completed in two ways:

1.     Online by clicking this link: 

2.     Mail or fax by printing the attached .pdf membership form

First, we offer special thanks to the University of Arizona for hosting a memorable and exciting XXVth International Conference of the Society for Human Ecology in their beautiful and sustainably designed Environment and Natural Resources 2 Building. During November 5–8, attendees from over twenty countries and six continents came together in a bona fide international and interdisciplinary event—to network, to present, and to discuss their research, scholarship, and creative works. In addition to our wonderful colleagues and friends at the University of Arizona (who made the venue and conference logistics possible), we also express our deep gratitude to the conference planning committee, our session organizers, and participating members for their exceptional contributions to SHE XXV’s success.  

We are pleased, as well, to report the additional good news that total downloads of online issues of Human Ecology Review have surpassed 200,000. This is clear testimony to the benefits of keeping the Society’s official journal as a free open-access journal under a Creative Commons license (and with no author page charges). We encourage our members and colleagues to submit appropriate material for consideration.

Further information and instructions are at All current and back HER issues are at

Finally, we are always looking for volunteer reviewers. If you can help, please send your contact details and areas of interest to

Do, please, renew your membership and help us keep research and scholarship in Human Ecology open to all readers and contributors. As we continue to broaden our horizons, we believe that SHE is especially well positioned to play a key role in stimulating and deepening collaborations among colleagues all over the world.  

HER LIbrary Subscription Form

2024 Membership Form

Best regards, 

Ken Hill, Executive Director

Michael Kimball, President

Robert Dyball, Editor: HER