Human Ecology and Communication

Room 1 - Oral Presentations

Oct. 18th 2021 | 19:45 - 21:00

Mediation: Dr. Ricardo Amorim Mediation: Dr. Ricardo Amorim

1. The Semi-Arid Ecologies of the Brazilian Public TV Screen. Fabíola Moura Reis Santos, Ernani Machado de Freitas Lins Neto, Iluska Coutinho.

2. Ecological Landscapes of the Brazilian Semiarid Region: Rites and Beliefs on the Paths of Sustainability. Maria Aparecida Ventura Brandão

3. Caatingueiras Identities and the Recaatingamento Project. Rosiane Rocha Oliveira Santos; Maria Herbênia Lima Cruz Santos.

4. The Importance of Interculturality as an Instrument for Understanding and Respecting Traditional Knowledge and Building Planetary Citizenship. Maryângela Ribeiro de Aquino Lira Lopes; Eliane Maria de Souza Nogueira"; "Carlos Alberto Batista dos Santos.

5. Discourse, Power Relations, and Environment: a case study of Soybean Agricultural Frontier in the Brasilian Savannas. Andréa Leme da Silva; Ludivine Eloy; Gustavo Meyer.

6. Context Mapping. John Schooneveldt.